05 September 2023: The FreeForm Radio Annual Back-to-School Show

Be sure to follow KMXT FreeForm Radio on Facebook and Bandcamp.  

Please support FreeForm Radio and KMXT by going to KMXT.org and pledging your support -  Donate Now!

The music you hear on tonight's show is available on the artists' Bandcamp pages and websites. (links below) 

We urge you to support the musicians you hear on FreeForm Radio.


Join us tonight as we celebrate the start of another school year with songs about school, teachers, teen angst, and more!   

Listeners will be able to earn a degree from the Ten Minute University as well!  (Diplomas not available at this time)

Why pay exorbitant tuition fees when you can coast through four years of college curriculum in ten minutes flat on your way to a degree from TMU? Learn all you need to know as professor John "Mighty Mouth" Moschitta, the world's fastest-talking man, tears through the Theory of Evolution, the Special Theory of Relativity, conversational Latin, The Market System, and more. Core classics include:

We begin with an Orientation.




Roman Studies


Visual Arts

Comparative Literature



By completing this course of study you may participate in Commencement.