14 December 2021: Twisted Christmas with Bob Rivers, The Fools, The Capitol Steps, and more

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Join us this week for the Annual FreeForm Radio Twisted Christmas.  This show will feature clever, irreverent parodies of traditional Christmas songs as well original satirical Christmas songs.  Note that some material may not be suitable for children and anyone who does not have a sense of humor about Christmas.

 Disclaimer:  tonight's show is not in any way associated with the War on Christmas.

Among the featured artists are the Bob Rivers Twisted Radio Troupe, The Fools, The Capitol Steps, some cows, and, of course, Elvis Presley.

So pour yourself an eggnog fortified with the spirits of your choice, throw a log on the fire, and sit back for a hearty Ho Ho Ho!

NOTE:  No chipmunks were harmed in the making of this show.